Scully's Cause "How's it going, Father?" He snorted. "One hundred more letters for the cause of Dana Scully." "Any miracles?" "A spontaneous remission, four pregnancies for barren women, two med students claiming miraculous exam results, and another FBI agent's relic allegedly stopped a bullet." He grinned. "Busy woman, eh, Sister?" "Hey, if she can save the world, a little intercession is nothing. I'll get the usual investigations going...well, not on the students, of course." "Of course." He looked up. "I don't think most of them realize how long this is going to take." She shook her head. "If sheer numbers could pass a cause, Dana Scully would have skipped veneration and beatification and been canonized twenty years ago. But popular support is not enough. We need miracles, verifiable ones. Ones with enough evidence to satisfy _her_. Otherwise, all the letters from all the schoolchildren in the world will do nothing more than sit in her file for the next few centuries." "If her cause lasts that long." "Which it probably will. They saved the world." "It would also help if you could prove that she is dead." She looked wistful. "I don't want to prove that. I want to think that she survived, she and Mulder." "I don't. You know what those aliens did to humans in their clutches." "But maybe they would have treated them differently. Like the hybrids." "Maybe." He stopped and listened. "Is that your phone?" "Yes...." She sprinted into her office and called, "Allo? Sister Marisa, Vatican " A screen set into her desk wall lit up. "Hello