If Shakespeare wrote the X-Files movie by Maureen S. O'Brien, 3/12/98 MULDER: I know that you are watching. Every day I feel your eyes upon me. Every night The walls have ears; behind them, hands and tongue. Now as you hold me prisoner, I know well A hidden audience observes each move. You think I am the captive? You are mine. Whate'er I choose to say, you needs must hear. Say, what is your hire? Is't worth your time, Your trouble, and the soiling of your soul? And will they let you leave here, should you choose? Or are you prisoner, too? O audience, Perhaps I should explain why I am here. For seven years and more, I've chased the truth As if it were some hart, to bring to bay The ones who stole my sister and my peace. Instead, I found a shadow governance Conspiring to conceal -- what? Aliens? a lie? Cruel tests and worse technology? Then what for? I don't know, but I'm here; I must be close. And so I... [enter SCULLY, bound] How now? Scully? What is this? These shadowmen have done you honor -- bound Hand, foot and eyes, for fear of what you'd do. Ah! Bound too tight. Physician, heal thyself -- There! Now the gag. Speak, Scully! Art all right? SCULLY: They took my gun and freedom. Naught else. You? MULDER: The usual bumps and bruises. Scully, I Had hoped they might forget you. SCULLY: How? They knew We're partners, Mulder. I'd come after you. MULDER: Where were you when they came? SCULLY: Parking garage. The Abrams autopsy ran over-late. My nose, stink-full of corpse formaldehyde, Was slow to smell a rat. MULDER: 'Twas Krycek, then? SCULLY: Who else? I would you'd killed him. MULDER: Scully! Tsk! -- We're here, alive for now. Perhaps They need Two paladins to save their rodent breed. [Enter KRYCEK with guards] KRYCEK: Simian, rather. Monkey girls and boys Picking trash to find new monkey toys, Using tools we cannot understand, Raised by brains less than that thumb on hand. Now the hunters come. We have no clue If they have come to kill or stock a zoo. Guards! Bring them. SCULLY: Tell us why we're here. KRYCEK: Why, you are summoned, lady, to a feast With him who fancies he's the king of beasts.