Curved border of brown dragons.

Filk Resources on the Web

These sites focus on filk activities throughout the world.
Updated July 24, 2001

Finding Filkers Online, the filk newsgroup, and the FAQs.

Filknet: IRC and mailing lists.

Interfilk Filk Resources, including the directory of Filkers' Homepages.

Open Directory's filk links

Andromeda Filk Forum at Slipstream BBS' Slipstream News

Filkers' Blogs have their own page.

What's Filk?

Filk 101 What's filk? Who the heck are these people? And other important questions answered. A little outdated, but not much.

The Dandelion Report: Online magazine providing filk information and advice.

Filk Dealers and Publishers:

Filk Discography

The Filk Discography, collected by Justin W. Eiler. A wonderfully useful project.

Eloise Beltz-Decker has reviews of some of her filk album collection.

Filk News

Fantasy Music Club. In Russian.

CBC Radio show episode about filk!

Filk History:

A history of filk by Lee Gold.

Greg McMullan's Filk History: stories about filk, filkers, songs, and everything else.

Fanhistory Filk Project: songs about fannish history.
Banned from Argo -- and the Filk Circuit

The Filk Hall of Fame
General Notes on British Filk History
Juliane Honisch's brief history of German & Austrian filk

Filk Primary Sources List: credits for tunes, in case you don't recognize them yourself.
Solomon Davidoff's page

Filk Software

Pocket Printed Filk Database
Flktran, a PERL script for translating TEX.

Filk Movie:

Filk in the UK: is Rafe Culpin's domain, providing the web with a central resource page for UK filk. is Mike Whitaker's domain, providing UK filkers with an easily remembered URL or e-mail address.

Filk in Germany (or at least in Deutsch):

Die deutsche Filk-Mailingliste Your one-stop filk source.

Filk CONtinental: the European filk con, and
German cons
Pink Planet and Let's Filk About pages include filk information
Berlin Filk Page: in German only (for now). Includes:German filkers: e-mail addresses, mundane and fannish names.Let's Filk About: German filk fanzine. Also Table of ContentsList of filk tapes and songbooks, with contents lists and some reviews
German filk conventions
Galgenlieder (Gallows Songs), Christian Morgenstern. Includes: Auf dem Fliegenplaneten; Der Werwolf; Der Zwoelf-Elf; and Der Traum der Magd.
Deutsche Lyrikparodien Parodies of German lieder, I think.

Filk and Star Trek Music in Austria and Germany courtesy of Bernd Felsberger. (And so far, unassimilated by Paramount/Viacom....) Includes Juliane Honisch's brief history of German & Austrian filk, with a list of recordings and songbooks available (keep scrolling down!) and a list of all Star Trek music.

Filk in Russian:

Menestreli Sredizemlya(Minstrels of Middle-Earth): A collection of poems and songs in Russian, mostly based on Tolkien. Writers: VVedeniye, Mariya Ganzha, Larisa Denisook(sp?), Ingvall Kaldun, Tosha Kakovidi, Ketrin Kini, Tatyana Kukta (sp?), Oleg Ledenev, Mirta, Mithrilian, Miuti, Aleksandra Nezhdanova, Nienna, Skadi, Senta, Talle, Tem Greenhill, Svetlana Hvostenko (sp?), Hiziel, and Elrin.

Gateway to Russian Filk: my translation of the Russian filk pages. Use at your own risk, as I'm not the greatest Russian scholar.... :(

Filk in Japanese:
A Japanese filk from an animated Japanese movie about a filker, Mimi wo Sumaseba, aka Please Listen Carefully, aka Whisper of the Heart. If you know any other Japanese filk links, please e-mail me. Thank you.

Filk fanvideos: by Paul Kosinski and Mary Van Deusen

Filk fan pages:
DJ, an sf story by Carl Bussjaeger
The Unofficial Fenton the Death Sheep from Hell page! SEE Fenton wreak destruction! READ his evil words in Sheepish! VOW eternal loyalty to the Sheepocracy! Or be doomed like the rest of humanity. Whatever.
Club Jade Collectable Karrde Game: Filks by Sir Dan. Take a look. Heh.
Writing Filk by Judith Proctor
Jewelry by Cynthia McQuillin, a filker of some note.

Fannish Glossaries:

Fellow travelers of filk:
Science Fiction Poetry, defined by Suzette Haden Elgin.
Music Theory
Songs of the Air Force
Airborne Music
The Contemplator's Folk Music Resources
Phil Ochs lyrics collection
Delos Radio International plays music which may be sf oriented.
The Bermuda Files: a Weird Al Yankovic site.
Premiere Radio Station's parody song files
The Science Fiction References in Music List
Twisted Tunes Vault
The Ultimate Parody Site






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