Bolonka Sarumana (Saruman's Poodle) Words: D'Arcy Music: his too. Translation: Maureen S. O'Brien, 1999 The last stanza was written later. Morning. Now it's still early. It's tiring to use the Palantir.... Saruman's beloved poodle Eats yogurt from a saucer, Saruman's beloved poodle Eats yogurt from a saucer. The Wanderer tires of burning With Angmarian ___ guilt.... Except Mithrandir, and he does not praise him -- He eats, and to him all are equal! Except Mithrandir, and he does not praise him -- He eats, and to him all are equal! But Sauron feels angry in Mordor And headstrong songs he sings.... He can't eat and he can't sleep; Sauron waits for a teacher! He can't eat and he can't sleep; Sauron waits for a teacher! And Saruman himself in Valinor About it all wrote verses. He doesn't know happiness or a mountain Or Tolkien nonsense. He doesn't know happiness, or a mountain, Or Tolkien nonsense. This translation by Maureen S. O'Brien, provided as a service for fans with even less Russian than herself.