Updated December 30, 2003.
Barrayaran Girls: Miles' dating problems.
Barrayaran Roses: We are like the roses.
Cordelia's Blues: Rain in my heart.
Crossin' Myths Some: Miles, meet Honor.
Defenestrate: Mad Emperor Yuri's song.
Dendarii Recruiting Song: A Dendarii folksong.
Dendarii Temporaries: The few. The proud. The temps.
Elena's Song: If I were her, I wouldn't go home, either.
Empress Laisa: Sometimes I can't stop myself.
On the Road to Vorkosigan Vashnoi: A folksong from before the Cetagandans.
The Siege of Silver Moon: Another old Barrayaran folksong.
Small Lady: Miles' promise from "The Mountains of Mourning".
Will You Not Come Back Again?: A Dendarii Jacobite song for The Vor Game
E-mail mobrien at dnaco.net