Untitled Jackie Chan Crossover
Part 1by Mary Christmas (unicorn_76010 at lycos.com)
I just now thought of it...only I don't have time to type it
all up, so here's the very first part...it's a
crossover....and...well, I can't say too much or it'll give it
away. "Baby Blues" Part Twelve will come out next week....or
tomorrow if I can get here early enough to transfer it from paper
to type....
Salisbury Plain, 2002
Despite the inky blackness of the cloud covered night sky, the
figure racing across the plain and the large stone structure
could be clearly seen from his vantage point. He narrowed his
eyes on the bundle the figure carried beneath its arms. Despite
the rather odd illumination seemingly coming from nowhere, he
began sprinting after the figure.
As the figure approached the outer ring of stones, the light
flared for a brief moment before fading out completely. After he
let down his arms from protecting his eyes, he was for a single
moment that he had gone blind. Then he remembered the flashlight
in his pocket and breathed a sigh of relief when he was able to
see the straight beam.
The relief was short-lived, however, as he noticed that the
figure and its package were both nowhere in the immediate
vicinity. A quick, but thorough search of the monoliths showed
that they weren’t hiding anywhere within the structure of
Stonehenge. That light must have been from some sort of vehicle.
He lowered the light in frustration, and then did a double
take. There on the ground was a single red and white tennis shoe.
He groaned and placed his hand on the cracked stone in the middle
of the structure. Ignoring the heat that rose from it, he stared
at the shoe.
"Jade...." Was all he was able to get out when the same bright
light engulfed him.
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