Part 3
by Will K (willkinn at
When Lieutenant Dwayne Hunter got the page, he hurried up and
got inside the Big Guy, then headed to Quark Industries.
"What am I going to do?!" Rusty exclaimed as his belt flashed and
"What is that?" asked Fenwick, pointing to the thing glowing on
the robot. What are you, for that matter? Never mind, that doesn't matter.
Get in." He motioned to the hovercar.
Lestrade looked at Holmes with amazement. "Do you think this is a
scam, Holmes?" she asked, getting into the cruiser.
"I don't know, Lestrade, but I really don't think so," he said,
getting in himself.
"What's wrong, Doctor Slate?" Big Guy asked when he got there.
"Rusty's gone and this strange man who says he's Professor James
Moriarty was in his place," she said, frightened.
On to Part 4!
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part 1, and
part 2.
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